The Startup Survival Guide to Extend Runway Fast
Have less than 9 months of runway left? Learn how to cut costs strategically and apply tactics and best practices from seasoned turnaround experts and VCs to extend your runway.
🚨Warning Signs You May Run Out of Cash🚨
🚩Little or no customers
🚩High operational costs, flat growth
🚩VC meetings and little interest
🚩Increasing Customer Acquisition Cost
🚩Current investors not willing to commit
🚩Creeping Churn
📹Prefer video? Check out the YouTube series Below ⬇️

Listen to our Experts Give Advice on What to do at
🌕 9 Months of Runway
🔶 6 Months of Runway
🔻 3 Months of Runway
📹👀Watch our series and learn how to change the trajectory of your startup today!
Book a Meeting Today & Find out what color zone VCs rate your startup
Book your meeting with Ravix Group today to find out how you can extend your runway while reaching your milestones!